Things Bones McCoy Is Not, Ranked

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Leonard McCoy is famous for many things. Mostly announcing that someone is dead and insulting Spock in ways that seem awfully xenophobic for Star Trek. He also famous for explaining, angrily, that he is a doctor and literally nothing else. Here it is, the definitive ranking of things that Dr. McCoy is not.

This list includes both things that the original McCoy is not and things that the Kelvin Universe McCoy is not. It does not include other Starfleet doctors saying what they aren’t.

For those who can’t watch the video:

10) Scientist or physicist (“Metamorphosis” Incidentally, it is worrying that McCoy, a medical doctor, doesn’t think he’s a scientist.)


9) Psychiatrist (“City on the Edge of Forever”)

8) Engineer (“Mirror, Mirror”)

7) Mechanic (“The Doomsday Machine” “The Empath”)

6) Torpedo Technician (Into Darkness)

5) Magician (“The Deadly Years”)

4) Bricklayer (“The Devil in the Dark”)

3) Coal Miner (“The Empath”)

2) Moon-shuttle conductor (“Corbomite Maneuver”)

1) Escalator (“Friday’s Child”)

