The World's Largest Jigsaw Puzzle, Solved

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It's 33,600 pieces, and yes, it is gigantic.

Redditor manne0708 submitted the photos to imgur earlier today. She says it took about 450 active hours, over the course of two and a half months, to solve.


manne0708 has been answering questions about the puzzle on Reddit for the past several hours, so head there for more info and imgur for more pictures. The best tidbit yet, in my opinion has to do with the way the puzzle is packaged. manne0708 says the puzzle arrives in a large box with ten bags, organized by section. Rather than solve each of the ten sections individually, she opted to mix them together first. Like a boss.



I'm having a pretty great time reading about all this, so I figured I'd share.

The name of the puzzle is "Wildlife" and is made by a company called Educa.

It was illustrated by digital artist Adrian Chesterman, "painted in photoshop at a size that made the most powerful Apple desktop computer currently in existence groan under the weight! So big that the flattened file weighed 4.5 GB and therefore had to be saved as a psb."


You can find it online in a few places. Amazon, for one, but it's $400 bucks and isn't even prime eligible. The cheapest I could find was through Puzzle Warehouse for $382.99. (With free shipping in 2–7 business days!)

According to Puzzle Warehouse, "some consider Educa jigsaw puzzles to be the cream of the crop. They hold their puzzles to the highest of quality standards even guaranteeing replacement of any" pieces that are lost or missing. Also, the company apparently uses special materials to ensure a perfect fit between pieces that results in the creation of "virtually no puzzle dust." Puzzle dust! Can any jigsaw puzzle solvers attest to its existence? To what extent is it an actual nuisance? Is it feasible that a seasoned jigsaw puzzler would suffer from puzzle lung, or a puzzle cough, from overexposure to puzzle dust?


The world speed record for completing the puzzle is held by 100 people who managed to solve it in 19 hours and 7 minutes.

See also this helpful diagram that shows you what ten bags in a box looks like (the box is wooden, and is outfitted with wheels "for easy handling and transport"):


Amazing. I want it.