Lego Doctor Who Is Finally Here, And It Looks Awesome

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It feels like ages since Lego announced that it would be making a set based on Doctor Who—but now we don’t need a time machine to find a future where it’s out. It’s finally happening this December, and it’s looking rather fantastic if you’re a fan of all things wibbly, wobbly, and maybe even timey and wimey too.


21304 Doctor Who is based off the original Idea submitted by Andrew Clark, “Doctor Who and Companions” to Lego Ideas in February of last year, and stays pretty faithful to the original idea of the set: a TARDIS model that opens up to reveal the time ship’s console room, which is suitably bigger on the inside. Here’s the full description of the set from Lego:

Construct a stunningly detailed LEGO® version of the iconic TARDIS® and role-play the Doctor’s time-travel adventures! Created by fan-designer Andrew Clark and selected by LEGO Ideas members, this set is based on the BBC’s popular and long-running television series about a Time Lord – the Doctor – exploring the universe in a blue police box. Due to trans-dimensional engineering, the TARDIS is bigger on the inside than the outside and this cool multifunctional set includes the console room that houses all the flight controls. Regenerate the Doctor and defeat the evil Daleks™ and a Weeping Angel with the help of his extraordinary companion Clara. Then close the doors of the TARDIS and launch into another dimension! Includes 4 minifigures with assorted accessory elements: the Eleventh Doctor, the Twelfth Doctor, Clara Oswald and a Weeping Angel, plus 2 Daleks™


The set features the two most recent Doctors played by Peter Capaldi and Matt Smith, as well as their companion Clara—and it’s largely based on their appearance in “Time of The Doctor”, the 2013 Christmas special that saw Matt Smith’s Eleventh incarnation of the Time Lord regenerate and turn into Peter Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor. Presumably, Lego would very much like you to purchase their Doctor Who level pack for Lego Dimensions to get the Twelfth Doctor in his more usual outfit, rather than the one worn by his immediate predecessor.


It wouldn’t be Doctor Who without some monsters to fight though, so you also get two new brick-built Daleks, as well as a Weeping Angel to harass The Doctors and Clara—and of course, the Angel has an alternate “screaming” face for when it’s ready to attack!


The Doctor Who set will be available from December 1st, and will cost $59.99/€59.99, just in time for the show’s Christmas Special. You’ll want to act fast on this one—there’s a lot of Doctor Who fans who’ve been waiting ages for a set like this. Hopefully it does well enough like the Minecraft Ideas set did, to spin off into it’s own line. There’s so many more Doctors and monsters Lego could make! [Lego Ideas]


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